At 22 months old, I finally gave in and decided it was time for Sam to get his first hair cut. As you can see, it was getting a little shaggy. We took him to Mustang Barber Shop, where daddy gets his hair cut. Thankfully, he did awesome! Here are a couple "before" shots...

Let the hair cutting begin!

We tried to get an "after" shot, but Sam was not cooperating. He had his eye on a train table and was ready to get down and go play. Oh well, at least he did great during the cut!

After the hair cut, we decided to swing by Northpark Mall and take Sam to Build-A-Bear. After Sam's accident at school, we weren't able to give him his pacifier anymore (the sucking could mess with his tooth). He only used it to go to bed, but it was still hard to take away since it comforted him and helped him fall asleep. He was a trooper though...he really only cried the first two nights, and even then it was only for about 15 minutes each night. He's now been pacifier free for a week. So, we thought we'd get him a special bear to replace the paci---a "night-night bear" that he only uses to sleep with.
After picking out the perfect bear, Sam and daddy went to the "stuffing station" where they put a heart in the bear and stuffed it until it was nice and soft.

Sam was so happy with his bear, he didn't want to let go of it at check out.

Giving his bear kisses :)

We also bought the bear Lightening McQueen pajamas, and let Sam help dress him at bed time. This worked so well....he loves his bear and he gets excited to see him when it's time to go night-night :) Thanks, Hedy, for this great idea!
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