After much debate about what Sam should be for Halloween, we decided he'd make a cute little cowboy. Sam, however, decided he was a "cow" rather than a cowboy...and he was very excited about wearing his costume. Here's my little cow blowing his mama a kiss!

On our way to school...

My sweet little kitty cat!

After school, we went to see daddy at work (SWA). The kids had a great time there, then we headed home to get ready to go trick or treating! Here's Sam having a snack before GO-time...

We went trick or treating with our neighbors, Carl and Sommer and their kiddos. Here's Sam and Asher excited after getting some yummy candy.

Daddy, Sam and Stella

Sam holding sweet Clara's hand. He was pretty smitten with her :)

Daddy and his little girl

Here's a group pic (minus me) cute! It was a really fun Halloween!
That's hilarious that Sam thought he was a cow!