Just one month shy of ONE! My smiley and sassy little girl turned 11 months old in June, and she is continuing to say more words and get around faster. Still no walking, but she manages to get where she wants to go. And if she can't get where she wants to be, you will be hearing about it. This sweet little thing can scream like nobody's business when she wants, or doesn't want, something. As frustrating as it may be at times, it's near impossible to stay mad at this adorable face :)

We started the month off with a play date at the Butterfly Exhibit at Fair Park. The kids had a great time looking at all the butterflies and exploring.
It was impossible to get a shot with all the kids in it, so we just gave up :)
Why does it look like I'm getting scolding by the woman behind me??
This picture makes me laugh! Hedy was trying so hard to get a picture of the 3 boys together, so she told them that if they sat still on this rock, the butterflies would all come to them. Their expressions are priceless!

Sweet boys...
After the exhibit, we walked around the grounds for a while and let the kids have a snack before heading home.
Stella modeling her new bathing suit that Nonna bought her :)
And Sam modeling mommy's sunglasses...
At the park...
Yes, Shelby enjoys the park as much as the kids do. She goes down the slide and all!
My country bumpkins :)
Brent came to visit for a weekend in June. I'm sure he came in thinking it would be a relaxing little getaway, and instead he was getting attacked by my children :)
Love this pic. Sam put the Mr. Potato Head glasses on Stella, and she just kept them on and made a silly face. Was so glad I captured it because I laugh each time I see this picture :)
Weekends are the best. The kids love having daddy home, so waking him up as early as possible is a must :)
In her daddy's hat...she is part girly, part tomboy, with a whole lot of attitude!
Dianna and I still do our Wednesday play dates and the three kiddos get along really well. Love these pumpkins.
Miss Thing decided that Sam's chair was hers, and has officially taken it over. Sam put up a good fight, but even he knows to just back down from bossy pants sometimes :) Here she is sitting in the chair watching TV like a big girl.
And here she is eating her favorite snack, cheese crackers.
We had a play date in late June to celebrate Stella's birthday, since we were only doing family and close friends for her birthday party. Since it was SO hot outside that day, I decided to put the bounce house up inside my house :) Worked perfectly, and the kids loved it!
Here's a pic of all the kiddos that came to the play date!
The last weekend in June, we took a trip to Grammy and Papaw's house! The kids are getting much better about road trips, which makes it easier on us as well. We took a stop halfway to let them stretch their legs while we filled up on gas. They just love playing in the bed of daddy's truck!
Stella's birthday fell on that Sunday, so we celebrated and sang happy birthday to our now one year old!!
She is 100% daddy's girl. And she has him wrapped around her little pinky. Trouble....and she's only 1.
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