This is at DFW airport, getting some breakfast before our flight to NJ! Sam is drinking his OJ like a big boy :)

Sam wasn't a big fan of the pack n' play the first night, so I brought him in bed with me. Little did I know how much space the little guy would take up!

We went to church on Easter Sunday, and I was just keeping my fingers crossed that Sam would behave. As soon as we were seated, a woman (who stood about 10 feet away from us) began singing a beautiful hymn. Of course, my friendly little bug had to greet her and began screaming "HI!!" repeatedly....getting louder each time, as she could not respond since she was clearly busy singing. Although it seemed to entertain those around us, I went ahead and took Sam outside...where we spent the entire hour of mass. He enjoyed himself though, playing in the grass and looking for Easter eggs.

The best part of the trip, of course, was visiting and spending time with family and friends! I even got to have lunch with some friends I haven't seen since middle school (and their children), which was really fun! And Sam got to play with his cousins, which he definitely enjoyed.

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