I can't even believe I am writing a post about Sam turning 2...these two years have just flown by! My baby boy is not a baby any more...though to me, he always will be. We decided to do a dinosaur themed party for him, since he's been really into "big roars" (as he calls them) lately. I think he loved it...between all the dinosaur decorations and cake and the bounce house we set up outside, he was all smiles!
We even had some dinosaur tails made for the kiddos to wear around their waist. Of course, they didn't last very long and I couldn't get a picture of Sam in one (although I did get one of Atley).

We bought him a bounce house for his birthday and had it set up in the back yard. We weren't sure what he'd think of it, since he's never been in one. But he absolutely loved it, and spent most of the party jumping and playing in there.
The birthday boy!
Atley giving his buddy some birthday love :)
The boys...love them so much!
Sam wasn't sure what to think when everyone was staring at him and singing to him...
But once everyone started clapping, he realized it was fun and he clapped along :)
Blowing out his candle...
Todd giving him his first bite of his birthday cake
Stella and Nonno..
Inappropriate, yet funny, picture taken by daddy!
Sam bug opening his presents
Stella taking a ride on Tow Mater :)
The party was so much fun...we have amazing family and friends that made Sam's day so special. We did miss Grammy and Papaw (Papaw was sick), but we got to see them the following week for Christmas!
And here's a couple more of Sam enjoying a cup cake on his actual birthday :)